Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sign sign, Everywhere a sign...

Check your work. Check your work.

How many times have you heard that from a teacher, a parent, Uncle Joe?

Here is an example of what happens when you forget to proofread:

The Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority sent a college prep book to every junior in the state with Kentucky misspelled as Kentucy on the bind of the book.

This happens all the time, often inducing laughter. Loud laughter. Here are some of the more humorous examples:


We all make mistakes, get in a hurry, and let our words become too familiar to our own eyes. Spell check is a great technology perk and anyone can use it to scan over a short email. But careful! Spell check wouldn't catch this error:

In regards to currant issues, we only read The New York Times.

Reading is important for everyone, especially children. As a culture of literacy develops in our lives, we sift out words that don't belong or sound wrong. So read something. Magazines and newspapers and even comic books count. Your spelling and word usage will improve, that's a promise.

If you cringe at the grammar in text messages, give your sloppy texter a break. Autocorrect has a mind of its own.

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