This from Dr. Phil. And whether you worship him or completely dislike him, he has a point.
You could say it in a different way, in the manner of Deepak Chopra: "When you shift your perspective, your reality shifts."
This is why proofreading is so hard. Revising your own writing is no easy task- unless you change your perspective.
Print out the pages of your writing and try this unusual tip: turn the pages around and read them upside down. This is a great way to catch errors in spacing, fonts, and punctuation. You may even catch misspelled words from upside down, and here is why...
Because our brains are so good at filling in gaps, you should be able to read this:
The olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale.
Our brains are on top of things and if we are fast readers, we are in big trouble. It's tough to catch your own mistakes. So turn the page upside down and your brains says, "Whoa! Gotta slow down."
As for revising your work for sentence structure and what I call rhythm- how the language sounds out loud- better turn the page rightside-up again. Here is where teaming up with a writing buddy or a critique group can help. You will get feedback from many perspectives.
"We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are." Talmud.